Sunday, November 04, 2007

Pakistan and the Philippines: Notes on variations on a theme of oft-sung songs dictators sing

After hearing the news on Pakistan yesterday, I asked an American colleague whether he could imagine GMA taking a leaf from the best-selling song hits of Musharaf. After a few glasses of wine we listed the following observations about dictators:

  1. They are infected by a virus called messianism. They want to save us from ourselves.
  2. That they claim they can do so because they know something we don't.
  3. And when we ask for the info we don't know, they say we shouldn't even know what it is we don't know.
  4. They have info we don't because we can't handle it soberly.
  5. They can handle the info better because, they don't really want to rub it in, they are superior.
  6. They are superior, because, not having been breast-fed, they steeled themselves drinking milk from the bottle.
  7. But most of all, they were not born with sin, having been immaculately conceived inside the womb of their parents' cow.
  8. Moo! You know nothing about national security!
  9. They get invited to international conventions of solipsists and we don't.
All dictators spring from the old obscurantist tradition that they hear things from the creator reserved for true believers.


MBW said...

Very difficult dilemma facing Musharraf.

Musharraf is facing a conglomeration of Taliban inspired hardline islamist fundamentalists in his own backyard who have grown stronger and quadrupled in size over more than 3 decades straight from the wars on Afghan soil where they fought the Russians.

Letting lose these fundamentalists in Pakistan will take it back to “stone age”, no need to bomb Pakistan for that.

These fundamentalists don’t believe in democracy or equality between men and women. They have their own personal interpretation of the Koran which they harness to sow fear on the half-illiterate population of Pakistan.

I do believe that Musharraf had no choice but to impose emergency rule lest oligarchs in the likes of Bhutto and I Khan continue to impose their brand of feudalism and sow more hardline muslim fundamentalism as in why rock the boat if it meant staying in power.

I also believe that Khan and Bhutto are the perennial piranhas ready to pay lip service to democracy in a Pakistan of half-illiterates to get themselves in power.

Musharraf breathese and lives for Pakistan but I don't believe those two oligarchs do. They would for as long as their pockets were full.

MBW said...

Oh, forgot to say, sod the Americans on this Pakistan debacle!

viking said...

Need I ask how your baby daughter got her outspokenness and intelligence?

Hey, Impeachment is alive here. Rejoice!