Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Our right to rate government: XXX

Featured last week in The Big Picture were guests discussing the MTRCB rating of the documentary ‘Rights’ which should have been screened in time for the 35th commemoration of Martial Law. The film, according to its producers (I have yet to see it) deals with recent human rights violations in the country. Kiri Dalena, one of the two in the first segment of the show, had to defend the intent of the film. In my book, she shouldn’t have had to. Movie-making is not journalism and is not bound by rules of fairness, because that is for viewers, with all their pre-dispositions, to judge. But in the next segment, A certain Erik F. Mallonga, who chaired the MTRCB’s second review committee for the film, sounded reasonable but the subtext of his message was: I have the power, and I deem the film not subversive at all, so let it be shown to the public above 13.

I must admit I was disappointed at the host Ricky Carandang who had kid gloves on, tolerating Mallonga’s power trip during the show. In his column in Manila Times Monday (October 1), the power-tripping censor states:

I found the documentary to be a finely crafted and aesthetically appealing 30-minute collage of human-rights violations; it was a riveting mix of actual video footages and dramatic reenact­ments on this subject matter. The First Review Committee ruled that the film’s scenes were allegedly “presented unfairly, one-sided, and undermines the faith and confidence in the government and duly constituted authorities, thus not for public exhibition.” As the filmmakers were absent during the first review, they forfeited the opportunity to defend or justify their position that “Rights” be given a “General Audience [G]” or “Parental Guidance [PG]” rating. The filmmakers came in full force during the second review...

What struck both filmmakers and the Second Review Committee members, however, was the earlier judgment that the film “undermines the faith and confidence in the government and duly constituted authorities.” We, in the Second Review Committee, honestly thought otherwise. There was nothing in the movie that called for a revolution, rebellion, overthrow, armed uprising or insurgency against the government. There was no incitement to sedition. There was no “clear and present danger” to the stability of the government that the military and police have to respond with armed might. (In contrast, the board found the Erap’s account of his overthrow seditious, and Mallonga did not elaborate further).

Mr. Mallonga, if you were not a censor, only one or two people would actually care for your opinion and since I don’t know you, I have no right to rate your intellect, especially in regard to evaluating artistic merit. But people like you, who pretend to know better than us viewers, in modern civilization, should have been kept in your mother’s womb, if it could still accept you.

There have been a number of ‘artists’ who have accepted posts in the MTRCB. They probably rationalized to themselves that “better me than them’ and you should be thankful “I’m more intelligent and liberal.” Sorry Mr. Mallonga, but I protest being one of your subjects. The right thing to do, for anyone who sees herself/himself as an intellectual, is to simply reject the nomination. You also do not appreciate that it is innately wrong for government to ban material on the basis that such might “ undermine faith in government.” If the public uses all its senses it might realize that government undermines faith in itself, in the most indecent ways.

If I were you Mr. Mallonga, find a more decent job, and let’s see if you deserve more than the minimum wage. Otherwise, I recommend that you seek the advise of Rep. Teddyboy Locsin on how to make yourself happy alone, and start to grow hair on the back of your palms.


Anonymous said...

clap! clap! thank you for that. honestly, kiri and i hated it when we realized there was no time left for us to debunk what eric mallonga said. there was supposed to be a 3rd segment where we would be able to debate with mallonga, but their discussion dragged on with mallonga washing his hands of the stupidity of the mtrcb.

- sunshine matutina

viking said...

Sunshine, I'm sorry this old man missed you're name in the post. You're welcome and I'd appreciate it if you post schedules of future screenings here. Thanks.